The chimney and the main stair have an important relationship where they struggle for the central position in the plan. Both are compromised in their own way in order to maintain this strange and precarious duality.
Instead of showing the circulation space in my parti I decided to shade in the living and service spaces. This is because circulation space was purposely reduced by Venturi.
No. 2
Symmetry Vs Asymmetry
Layered space
External screen
In the first diagram I have tried to consider the Symmetry of the front facade which contradicts the internal layout of the house. Even the windows are balanced in number thought not symmetrically placed.
The plan of the house is horizontally layered and most of the openings and spaces inside result form the layered relationship between the horizontally placed walls.
The external walls which deceivingly hide the complex internal layout and geometry act as external screens. No. 3 - The stair
Parti diagrams More complex in meaning than Poche', Parti diagrams can be used for different purposes.
They can be a medium for an Architect to communicate his intentions for a building, in this case multiple ideas can be incorporated into the one sketch.
A Parti diagram can analyze one specific aspect of a building eg. Geometry, structure, circulation etc.
Different mediums can be used, the diagrams can be coloured or black and white.
For the purpose of this project our diagrams intended to show the fundamental organization of the building studied.
Abstract Watercolour painting combines plan and section. Red is used for living and circulation space and blue for the central chimney.
Early Parti ideas I didn't grasp the concept for these drawings straight away, so rather than discard them completely here are some of my early attempts at revealing the house that Roberto Venturi designed for his mother.
The purpose of a Poche' drawing is to communicate a sense of inhabitation, a sense of "being" inside the space. Here, these feelings are suggested by the inclusion of materiality and furniture. There are rays of light coming in through windows and openings, with the darker spaces receiving no light at all.
I felt that it is fair to point out that the only A3 scanner in the Red Centre hasn't been functioning. Therefore all of the A3 pages have been scanned in 2 parts and combined in photoshop. This has regrettably compromised the quality of the images.